Cottage Grove and Phoenix

Saginaw Vineyard

in Riesling Wineries, Pinot Noir Wineries, Pinot Gris Wineries, Chardonnay Wineries, Cabernet Sauvignon Wineries

Saginaw is a small vineyard originally planted by the Byler family. It is still operated by the family and specializes in traditional, hand-crafted Pinot Noir and Pinot Gris and Rose’ of Pinot Noir.

80247 Delight Valley Rd
Cottage Grove, Oregon 80247 Deli
United States

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Carpenter Hill Vineyard

in Syrah Wineries, Merlot Wineries

Carpenter Hill Vineyard is a forty-two acre family owned and operated vineyard. At Carpenter Hill Vineyard we farm using certified LIVE vineyard methods, which bring the best of quality to the grapes as well as the environment.

928 Carpenter Hill Rd
Phoenix, Oregon 97535
United States

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Winery Administrator

in Winery Ambassador

The Winery Administrator provides administrative and clerical support to the General Manager. This position acts as a liaison with other departments and outside agencies to provide a smooth and professional business process.

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Cottage Grove, Oregon
United States
